Wednesday, June 24, 2015


Dear Readers:

In my books I am exposing the misinformation, disinformation and lies being fed to us by the "Powers that Be."  The "Powers that Be" include those who run and control the media, global religions, our government, Hollywood, our politicians, Wall Street, the Federal  Reserve, Big Pharma, the Oil Industry as a matter of fact, you name it they probably control it.

The more you learn the more you realize that we have been lied to.  The lies are so pervasive and so all encompassing that it will shock you once you DO YOUR HOMEWORK.  You will not believe what is going on.

You will learn that life is not AT ALL what we thought it was and that those holding he keys to the truth about our world, religion and human origins and aliens are actually ancient hybrid bloodlines who are referred to as the AshkeNAZIM, Sephardic and Merovingian (ASM) "Global Elite" New World Order Guru's. To make it simple our world is now controlled from the back ground by the modern day version of Nazism that has covertly been going viral.  It has spread out like a virus because NO ONE HAS BEEN WATCHING.  You see Hitler did not die in Germany nor did the Nazi movement.  Nazism went underground and under the ocean.  It was secretly brought into the United States by Nazi sympathizers that were operating inside the United States who had tremendous power and underground connections.

If that isn’t bad enough our religious leaders are lying to us about the religions that we practice.  I write about the Christian Religion, which really has little to do with Jesus and way more to do with the worship of alien gods.  Yes the Jews and Hebrews worshipped aliens.  If you don’t know the “A” word you will never be able to put the puzzle together correctly.  Today those using the “A” word are also being mislead which will lead to what Jesus referred to as the “End Time Delusion of Mankind.”

It keeps on getting worse folks because we are about to wake up to the finalization and implementation of the New Nazi Movement in America.  It is at the door and staring is us in the face.  What is coming down the pike is so horrific that most Americans refuse to believe it could happen in our country, which is exactly what German citizens said before Nazism went viral in Germany.  Americans have all been asking “What on earth is happening to our country” but have not been able or willing to look at the real “Elephant in the Room.”  That elephant is staring us all in the face today as we refuse to make eye contact.

The BEAST MOVEMENT in Bible Prophecy is coming up out of the sea and from underground bases and tunnel systems and you will be shocked to learn that it may be to late to do anything about it.


  1. Thank you , what do you think of The Federation of Light? They are channeling through many,including

    1. Hi Kerrie Ann,

      These types of organizations are really nothing more that people who are associating with the DARK SIDE. The DARK SIDE pretends to be the ANGELS OF LIGHT to fool people. They have been fooling people for thousands of years. In ancient times they were thought of a the angels aka aliens of the gods. They talk about peace, love, blame mankind for what is going on with the earth, they talk about soul evolution etc. They were doing this using the same basic scams during the DARK AGES etc. They sound incredibly intelligent and pretend to know things to CON their victims. Jesus Yashua referred to them as the evil 'Powers and Principalities of the Earth," who are the real rulers of the earth.'

      Buyers Beware

    2. Dee Doss would be greatly interested in doing an interview with you AGL and his youtube listeners [2000+ subs] would be very interested in your views on the Bigfoot and Dogman phenomena! Thank you for your consideration! LLS
